OK – so you have decided to give the low glycemic diet a try.
You have read through the materials available here (or elsewhere), and you’re ready to go.
But…perhaps you want a good deal more information on particular aspects of the diet, recipe suggestions, more complete food lists, or even emotional support. Maybe you’d like to network with other low glycemic dieters.
Where do you turn? (“Oh, Rhett, where will I go, what will I do?”) Enter the Diet Support Program.
Why Enroll in a Diet Program?
Diet programs were created to fill the void between deciding on a weight loss strategy and becoming (and more importantly, staying) fully engaged.
Some dieters do not feel any need for such support; these “loners” simply prefer to dive in without a life jacket and seek answers independently should answers become necessary. If that approach works for you, by all means go with it.
But many folks feel more comfortable knowing that they have the supportive infrastructure of a well-run diet program at hand before taking on the challenges of a new weight management lifestyle. The variety and enrollment numbers in such programs attests to their popularity.
Diet programs can make the lives of dieters a good deal easier, and in many cases go far to ensure success. They provide more personalized help and answers than that possible in a book or website, and are kept up to date.
Taking the plunge into a new diet is a big step; going it “solo” – or enrolling in a quality support program – is a personal choice only YOU can make.
Our Recommendation: South Beach Diet Online
Clearly, there are MANY diet programs out there just itching for your money.
Ignoring all the midnight infomercials and “miracle / secret” weight loss hype, what are the best available low glycemic diet support programs available today?
Which (if any) are designed and operated by respected medical professionals – expressly for low glycemic dieters?
While there are now several programs that tout themselves as “low glycemic”, IMHO there is one clear standout available as of mid-2013; the South Beach Diet Online.
If you are looking for personalized support in your low glycemic weight loss efforts, this is by far the best available option.
Why South Beach?
I have personally tried a wide variety of low-carb and “low glycemic” diet strategies in my seemingly endless quest to attain (and more importantly maintain) my ““optimal” weight. The South Beach Diet is the only program I know of that has (for me at least) consistently produced the desired results.
Every time I heard about an “even better” plan and tried it, I have invariably slipped backwards in reaching my goals, only to re-engage in the basics of the South Beach diet program.
The things I like most about the South Beach Diet approach are:
- It works
- It’s easy to learn
- A wide variety of foods are accommodated
- It doesn’t feel much like a diet – more like a lifestyle
- It really works, as long as you follow the plan
Book or Online Program?
You can engage in the South Beach Diet approach to weight loss in one of two ways:
(1) Get the “official” book. The latest version (2009) of the official South Beach Diet program is entitled “The South Beach Diet Supercharged: Faster Weight Loss and Better Health for Life“. The book is a minimal one-time purchase only and contains all the “basics” you need to begin and maintain the program. Be aware that this book has not been updated in almost five years (as of mid2013), so it may not be current with the latest information.
(2) Join the South Beach Diet Online. A major plus for the South Beach Diet Online program is its convenience and access to a large database of information, including many recipe suggestions and (for those who want it) complete meal plans, progress monitoring, etc. as well.
In addition, the online program is updated as new information becomes available, so you will always be current with the latest relevant findings.
The online program also supports an active Forum in case you can’t figure something out for yourself, want even more suggestions for recipes, etc., or just need occasional motivational support or a sense of community with others.
Make It YOUR Best Diet: Customize The Program
Of course, no program is perfect for everyone. You will probably need to tweak the diet to make it work for you.
For example, I was not in a particular hurry to see immediate results (a common dieter pitfall), so I just skipped the Phase I part which I feel is excessively restrictive in terms of carbohydrate intake.
Even though it is only supposed to be used for no more than 2 weeks, Phase I can discourage many from continuing with the program. Starting out at Phase II may lead to slower weight loss, but is much easier to adopt as a starting point.
I also personally do not use – and cannot recommend – the food supplements offered with the South Beach program (other than perhaps the vitamin-mineral supplements).
I have found that the snack bars and drinks are needlessly expensive, filled with long lists of unpronounceable ingredients, and do not satisfy me nearly as well as other readily available, natural low glycemic snacks.
You will also likely need to do some personal experimenting to get the best diet results. Not all of the “allowed” foods are suitable for all dieters – some people are simply more sensitive to certain carbohydrate sources and amounts than others.
The South Beach Diet may not be 100% perfect, but in my opinion and personal experience it is unquestionably the best program available today for most low glycemic dieters.