William S. Alevizon, Ph.D.
I am a professional biologist and educator (Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara).
My scientific career has included faculty teaching/research positions in Florida (Florida Institute of Technology), California (University of California at Berkeley), and South Carolina (College of Charleston)
I have authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers, technical reports, and several popular books, mainly in the area of marine biology.
Since retiring from full-time teaching, I have spent much of my professional life consulting, writing, and developing informational websites, primarily in various areas of the biological sciences.
Why I Built This Website
The popularity of low glycemic foods and low glycemic diets has grown rapidly in recent years.
As part of ongoing efforts to achieve and maintain my own “ideal weight” and improve my health in general, I researched everything I could find on the use of low glycemic foods in weight and health management.
As part of that effort, I also took the time to carefully independently research these topics using the available scientific literature as a primary source.
What I concluded after these research efforts was that there exists a truly staggering amount of confusing, contradictory, misleading and/or downright inaccurate information in this field of knowledge – particularly on the internet.
I decided to create this web site to attempt to provide visitors a concise and scientifically accurate overview of the main aspects of the low glycemic diet. It is intended for general (i.e., non-scientist) readership.
I hope you find it useful, and come back to our web site often.
William Alevizon, August 2013